New exhibition from artist

René Alemawo explores humankind’s
ability to overcome hardship and deal with rejection

The ability to overcome hardship and rejection is at the heart of a new exhibition that is currently on display at the JERSEY ARTS CENTRE.

Titled RESCAPES: The Survivors, the exhibit showcases the work of West African wood sculptor René Alemawo, who uses discarded pieces of wood and traditional tools to craft unique and distinctive works of art.

Describing his background and inspiration, Senegal-based René, who has exhibited his work around the world, said: ‘Even the most disadvantaged person can find hope and a renewed sense of purpose in their life if they receive kindness, compassion and support, and discover their own confidence and creativity.’

A former street child, René creates artwork which seeks to reflect the personal strengths and values needed to survive the everyday challenges of life, and he will be travelling to Jersey later in the month for a series of demonstrations and workshops at the Arts Centre and several other venues.
Jersey-born Helen Sayers proved instrumental in arranging both the exhibition and René forthcoming visit.

She said: ‘I first met René in 2001 when I travelled to Senegal to participate in a conference on values education at the UNESCO Regional Office for Education in Africa.

’During my stay I visited the nearby island of Goreé, which is a UNESCO Heritage Site, to find out about the history of this tiny island that had been the centre of the slave trade in West Africa for over 400 years.’

It was while in Goreé that Helen – a former teacher and a trainer with the Association for Living Values Education International – came across a small art gallery filled with René’s wood-carved artworks.

‘René started to talk to me about his work and told me that he had learned his art by observing experienced sculptors and by allowing his unique skills to develop intuitively,’ said Helen. ‘He added that this mission in Life was to help children to develop their creativity and self-esteem and to find a sense of purpose of life.

’I invited him to take part in a project on values education for marginalised children, sponsored by UNESCO, and he becomes an invaluable member of our international team. Over the years, tourists would spot his talent and invite him to Europe to take part in exhibitions, so last year I thought “Why not Jersey?” .’


Vernisage - opening ceremony